About that Ceiling Fan...
(updated 10/16/19)
Ceiling fans! You think we're going to hate them, but we do not hate them!
They create a lovely breeze. They enable us to keep the windows open more and enjoy real instead of conditioned air. We kinda love them to be honest; Susan herself won't get rid of hers. She counted them up and has seven of them in her Bloomington split-level.
They are better than the $20 swivel fan you still own from when you lived in a dorm with no AC.
So when someone tells us that she (or her husband) must keep the ceiling fan, we get it. But, more often than not, we replace the one they have with a new one that's just not so ugly. So many fans are just So. Ugly.
Drumroll please. We would like to present the SYI Endorsed Fan List. The following are well-known brands that strive for quiet motors and aren't ugly. Each fits a various need. Though we'd prefer you get a fan without a light and light your room with can lights, we know hardwiring and the requisite drywall repair isn't in the scope for some clients. So, some of the below come with lights; some hug the ceiling; some have remote control. Some are white to disappear into the ceiling; some have down rods and darker profiles.
Almost all of these come in a variety of finishes. If you need help determining what size fan to get for your space, follow this guide from Apartment Therapy.